Sunday 17 March 2013

"A Children's Shop Lost in Time" (Entry 260)

There is a creepy children's shop.
Selling all their clothing needs.
With mannequins of the girly type,
dressed in lace, flounces and rigid petticoats.
Stuck in a rut?
Or time drift back to Edwardian times
or Victorian fancy -
each one a life-sized freaky doll
with rictus grins.
You're welcome within.

Dusty dusky pink velvet drapes
hang stiff at the windows and
along the walls like
long-forgotten music hall.
With pre-war signage on
black glossed exterior and awning
- a yawning double door to pull you in.
Turns from shop to gothic funeral parlour
for the small ones.
Step right in and look beyond.

I'd love to meet the owner... but then again... maybe not!

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