Thursday 25 April 2013

"I. Always." (Entry 299)

I exist,
Amongst the stars,
Soaring through bright blaze of nebula
Secret pockets of folded space.
Beyond the sight of telescope.

I am,
Within the earth.
Unseen fingers wriggle in claggy cold clay.
Invisible toes stretch in mossy peat,
Where the wild world grows.
Caress Earth's surface and feel her breathe.
Go deeper and entwine within her heartbeat.

I live,
In oceans,
in the deep to dwell,
then ride upon the blustered swell,
To land as dew upon a daisy petal
Kissed by fleeting butterfly’s hush.

I survive,
In the air,
Hear my choral rhapsody within the wind,
be carried as dust wherever it blows.

I am there,
Part of The Universe - my home.

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