Tuesday 31 July 2012

"Between The Tick and The Tock" (Entry 31)

Between the tick and the tock,
there is a static moment not shown on any clock.
In that instant, that's less than a moment,
where breath can't be taken
or a tear can not fall,
there is

This is the true time.
This is eternity.
This is immortality.

For we are fools to think
we can measure out and
organise the universe
to pigeon hole our lives into neat boxes
named by some invented integer
and spilt further to the fractional numerics
that slip between the cracks in the cosmos.

We can not be stacked linear on shelves
lain forgotten and gathering dust
- ashes to ashes -
as more boxes are filled to be stored
in the attic of history until overflown.
There is no car boot sale in the heavens
to discard forgotten detritus
"Roll up! Roll up!
Human lives going cheap,
only one previous owner
(except the reincarnated in the corner)
Step up, try 'em on for size!"

Look between the tick and the tock,
for you will find us there.
For we truly live forever and always,
in the depth, the length, the breadth, and
beyond of space.
The span and scope where there is no time.
Stare deep, can you see?

Between the tick and the tock,
that's you in there.
I'll meet you in forever.

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