Monday 2 July 2012

"Every Night, We..." (Entry 2)

Every night, we save ourselves,
and all of Earth's humanity.
We don in dreams, the cloak of heroes,
and be the saviour we want to be.

Every night, we scare ourselves,
in horror stories of dark despair,
worse than those seen on movie screen,
play out in depths of the nightmare.

Every night, we leave the planet
to journey beyond stars to the unknown.
Those places where myth and magic dwell,
through the cosmos we weave and roam.

Every night, we replay our lives,
to highlight mistakes or rewind a wrong.
We experience passion deep and raw
and love's regret acted out in song.

Every night, we save ourselves,
as our minds work through fantasy.
A challenge. A quest. A moment's jest.
Unravelling the clutter to let us be.

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