Wednesday 25 July 2012

"Silence Way" (Entry 25)

Some things enter this life with a roar.
A human's baby's cry,
that first breath of announcement in anguish.
A New Year
enters by bells and fireworks,
and yet again,
human's cries at the passing of their own making.
Marking three - six - five gone,
(or three - six - six in four, muddled in time before)
Another arrives in new numerical order.

there are those things that enter
by way of silence.
Such as,
the true passing of time, shown as
a wrinkle
which appears without a whisper.
Or death
which enters when the last sigh leaves.

Most we do not even know they are there,
for they are the others that entered in silence.
The angels, those celestial unseen,
those most powerful slip by without hush,
Hosts of energy sans ego.
They move around us, without triumph horns.
They are with you now.
Do you feel them? Or hear them?
As they go about their silence way.

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