Thursday 12 July 2012

"Silent Sound" (Entry 12)

In silence, there is energy.
A buzzing anon.
A non-existing noise that permeates through the skin
to join the roar of life which

For there is nothing as noise,
which dances and drums,
not allowing silence its hold.

One may sit in silence,
but the body within teems with its own cacophony of planetary existence.
Cells career on circulatory motorways.
Lungs swell like sails.
Hearts pounds out the life's beat,
like the master on a galleon.
Lub-dub! Row! Lub-dub! Row!

The raw flesh and gaseous exchange
and fuel to keep on its course,
on its voyage,
until the end.

But still in death, there is no silence,
as we become
with the universe.
Part of the celestial dust,
sparkling and scattering through space.
The true rhythm of the cosmos.

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