Monday 6 August 2012

"A Myth of Colour" (Entry 37)

Hidden away deep on Spectrum Island,
there is a wood called The Rainbow Glade,
that is the home of a million magical trees.

These are the Shade Trees.
Each one special,
An individual - just like you.

Tended and cared for by the colour gardener,
whose green fingers cause each tree to flourish,
bloom and send out its glorious light into the world.

Giving depth and hues and pigments.
To cast a chroma hush and blush throughout the land
and stain it with illumination's glaze.

Then one small seedling took root in the Crimson Dell,
and created a whole new shade,
never seen before.

Words were formed and twisted,
would this cheeky tone taint the gloss,
and discolour luminosities tone?

But the new shade shone and glowed,
and showed, that this was the colour of positivity,
a colour-wash of emotion.


Note: Watch out for The Rainbow Glade and the Shade Trees.
More news on their 'growth' coming soon!

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