Friday 7 September 2012

"The Piano Players" (Entry 69)

If you listen hard enough,
somewhere in the world,
someone is playing a piano.

More than one.
What do you think?
A thousand? A million? More?

All playing to their own tune.
Living their life to their own rhythm.
Take a listen.

All playing.
Are they young or old?
Professional or new?
Some for fun, others for money.
Others play because they are made to.

Just think
if all these millions,
let's stick with millions,
all played the same melody
at the same time.
Would everyone on the planet hear it?

Would it reach the angels?

But the angels already hear them,
every song, all the time, everywhere.

For at this moment,
there is one angel who sits beside a girl
enveloped in thought and music.

The angel sighs, knowing that soon
this song will soon be lost.
As there will be one less piano player in the world.

So play,
play now and loud,
or softly for yourself,
but play.

Play your piano while you can.

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