Saturday 27 April 2013

"At the Last Moment" (Entry 301)

He heard the rattle,
cloaked by blooded choke,
as distant as the rumbling of the rail road tracks
as the 9:36 train passed.
The last way outta here.
End of the line.
Destination nowhere.
Please tell me it's not over?

He knew it was his sound.
His last breath.
His time. This time.
The last beat of his heart shuddered
as the air escaped from ruptured lungs.

Screaming. A woman.
His woman screamed.
The same woman that nagged him
to get away from 'them damn people!'
She said they'd be the death of him.
She was right, of course.

The bullet struck fast,
no warning - no argument.
It wasn't even his shit,
that caused this.
One of his had taken one of theirs.
It was only right they took it back.
Wasn't it?

An eye for an eye.
Fight the gang fight.
The code - for those without morality.
His life for their honour.
Over what?

He couldn't even remember.
All becoming a dream.
His life the nightmare.
Something about territory
and white powder.
Lots of it.
All seems stupid now.
Doesn't it?

Something a man with a wife and a
shouldn't be messed up with.
His baby.
He would never hold his son in his arms again.
Never see him grow.
Never stop him from making the mistakes he made.
That's what a dad was meant to do.
Wasn't it?

In that moment between the last heartbeat and what's next.
He cried.
He cried for a change to change his ways,
to be a better father and husband.
A chance to be a good man.
Then... the moment ended.
He was gone.
A shame.
Isn't it?

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