Monday 29 April 2013

"Impress and Make the Grade" (Entry 303)

Before the guests arrived...
There were tears.
Lots of them.
First celebration.
With in-laws, no less!

Lists were made.
Crossed off
and rewritten.
Again and again and,
still he had strayed!

Yes, his fault!
He hadn't helped.
Wrong wine.
Went 'off-list'.
Only his 'rents, he said.
This is such a mess!

Just his parents?
Just his eagle-eyed mother.
Spotting dust at 90 paces,
and her pecky way of eating.
Less trouble if royalty stayed.

Cushions were plumped.
Table cloth et al, ready.
Glasses gleaming,
free from finger marks, no less!

Ruby and emerald baubles
hung balanced throughout
the real Christmas tree.
Then she noticed,
on the lights, just one,
its glow - gone out.
Right by where the table was laid.

Enough to cause panic,
a torrent of snot-ridden tears.
He held her, and calmed her.
Then shoved the offending bulb
behind glittering balls and
plenty of needles.
An action to deflect all of this stress.

Finally, everything perfect.
The aroma of the seasons lingered
in the air, as pots bubbled in the kitchen.
A moment of joy,
before the guests arrived.
As the anxiety began to fade.

The door bell rang,
soon the house was full.
Of noises, and presents,
boots, coats and old folk.
It seemed such a good start,
even a success.

All smiles and movement
into the lounge.
Where Queen-in-law devoured
the image in a single glance.
"You've got a bulb out, did you know?"
sniffed the old maid.

They'd tried to impress.
But with one line conveyed,
contained such negativity assess.
Caused celebration downgrade.
Depress and Dismayed!

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