Wednesday 15 May 2013

"For You To Find" (Entry 310)

What was mine 
Was always yours. 
You knew that, 
If only you'd looked inside. 
I was yours to find. 

Easier than delving into a boiled egg,
Only thin shelled - never thick skinned. 
No tricky tongs or paring knives needed. 
Just me on the menu. 
Always yours to find. 

Always there, in the now. 
A present in the present.
If you'd ripped open the tissue paper
Of your own deceit and lies,
I was still there to find. 

You didn't want the trouble,
Too much effort, too much bother.
All deep breaths and sighs. 
Always something more important to do,
But I waited for you to find. 

I even pulled back the covers,
but still you didn't want to discover. 
I wasn't Everest or North Pole cold. 
Just ready for you to behold. 
No map needed for you to find. 

What is mine
Is mine. 
You never took the time
To find,
What could have been.

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