Tuesday 25 June 2013

"Fast Food Fallacy" (Entry 349)

Most think on a treat. 
When it's more o' a trick. 
Biggest hoax ev'r conceived. 

Billion dollar industry wrapped up. 
Plastic food presented in
cardboard container-ship loads. 

Throw up food for a disposable society. 

As chains popped up on high streets,
Buttons pinged on pants, skirts and shirts world-wide. 
A world getting wider. 

Fast food joints for
Arthritic obese children
Who could never increase their pace beyond a waddle. 
A disgrace to the name, restaurant. 
Instead conveyor belts of convenience. 

Open a clogged vein of conscience. 
Don't take it to go. 
Just make it go away. 

Would you like your heart fried with that?

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