Tuesday 25 June 2013

"A Memory Whim of Learning to Swim" (Entry 354)

Air-filled red rubber squeaks
As bands are pushed up twiglet arms,
To leave a white ring against a tan. 
Tip-toes tap along hot sand,
To reach the lapping coast,
That licks at feet like over-excited puppy relieved that its master is home. 

Tentative tootsies taste the water. 
Cool and nippy against sun-fried skin. 
To knees, to waist and torso. 
Low gradient makes easy gauge of depth. 

A leg raises, a wave and hasty return. 
To try again and hold. 
Then, with brave breath, the other. 
Salty sea hugs and balances. 
Kick of foot. Flap of hand and 

Confidence increases until
Large strangers bounce past. 
Water hits face. 
Flail and panic!
Head disappears. 
Come up choking. Crying. 
To stop on realisation of
Feet upon sandy floor. 
Stand up near the shore. 
Only waist deep!

Run on back to
Sympathetic parents who
Buy snorkel mask. 
Problem solved!
Straight into the sea. 
To play and splash in the
Heated surf beneath flaming sun. 

By mid-afternoon,
Arm bands removed,
And tide-lines disappear to
Shade golden brown. 
Within a day, a swimmer. 
A mermaid of the Mediterranean sea. 

Me and my dad on the beach - Malta circa mid to late 1970s!

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