Thursday 27 June 2013

"Silver Ring" (Entry 361)

It shone out in the moonlight.
Sparkling silver, circle bright. 
A shimmering ring,
She knew what it meant, but why?

She didn't expect it, this night
To turn out this way, not right. 
She howled in anguish,
Knowing every word was a lie. 

It meant that all they'd had done was deceit 
Crying out, her world crashed at her feet.
The silver ring, she found in the forest. 
Broke her heart, she wanted to die. 

To a noise behind, she span round
Raised her head high and stood her ground,
As her tears turned to anger. 
He stepped forward with smile, so wry. 

"So, I've caught you" he said in victorious gloat. 
As in-human snarl rose in her throat. 
"You can't step over the silver circle. This ring that we made. 
Can you, werewolf? Don't deny!"

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