Tuesday 25 June 2013

"A Spider's Eye's Views" (Entry 358)

Spider weaves her web. 
Day's work of intricate lace. 
To perch at its centre. 
Bull's eye of its endeavours. 

Stretched across the window. 
She could see the beings within. 
These giants scared her. 
She knew the dangers they held. 

They could destroy her home and her life
With a flick of their long upper leg.
She was anxious of these animals
With their to-ings and their weird busy-ness lives. 

Fancy them only having four legs and two eyes.
How on web did they ever manage?
As long as she could see them and they left her alone.
She was happy to watch these creatures, so ugly!

The more she viewed their habits. 
The more she came to love their strange ways.
Though from her webbed side of the window,
She could never understand what they did. 

Of an evening, they stared at a light in the corner,
Like moths to a flickering moon. 
By day, most never stopped moving,
How did they ever ever catch food?

Then her web quivered. A fly caught. 
To buzz and hum its distress. 
So along silken wires, Spider scurried.
Enough nature watching, back to work!

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