Tuesday 25 June 2013

"From the Waterfall of Words" (Entry 342)

There's a waterfall of words 
deep within a land of plentiful stories. 
Kept in the box with a secret door,
in the lavender scented drawer
of the old lady in the corner house
who owns the nine cats. 
At night, these moggies
take flight, to turn into bats,
carrying Cups of Inspiration
dipped into the Babbling Book Brook,
Loquacious Library Lake and the Word Unheard Waterfall.
Once filled to trill and thrill,
the bountiful bowls of talent are
tied by silver slivers of a shivering idea.  
Flap your nocturnal wings, you mewing muses,
then blow imagination across the world, 
through golden hope hoops make thought bubbles. 
Creativity began. You know, you can!
They stirred and purred. A miaow - Do it now!
All from a waterfall of words 
in the box with a secret door.

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