Wednesday 31 July 2013

"Born A Thousand Tears Ago" (Entry 386)

A thousand tears ago. 
A thousand million light years away. 
A place blown to
A thousand million billion pieces 
In the Dymantism Conflict. 
That was the best thing to happen to it. 

It wasn't a town on a planet.
It was a breeding ground on a facility. 

Conceived in embrovats. 
Developed then sucked from the gel 
To dwell and be raised in optimum statis. 

Fed nutrients and knowledge. 
Extracted waste and individuality. 

Breed, born and betrayed. 
Genetically grown grunts. 

The best thing to happen to that place was when it was blown apart. 

Artificial wombs went boom!

I should know. 
One of their Spawned Warriors, made to order, made the order.
I pressed the trigger.

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