Wednesday 31 July 2013

"We Didn't Notice The Rain" (Entry 373)

We didn't notice. 
Not straight away. 
If at all, 
We gazed to say,
"Thank Goodness, the rain's stopped. 
No umbrella this day."

We cheered the sun beamed and smiled. 
We can plan that Barbecue...
Fingers crossed - touch wood. 
It will stay clear. 
Without fear, clear it stayed. 
No rain. Clouds disappeared. 

Unexpected heat wave,
Announced the recalculating weather bureau. 
Who knew? (They didn't.)
Cor! Wot A Scorcher!
Leered the tabloids,
Showing scantily clad peaches on beaches. 

Water rationing into place. 
Two months after the rain ceased. 
Just to be on the safe side,
Murmured over-paid aides in Government and Utilities. 
Both wringing hands in greed and sweat.
(Ways of wealth increase of us? You bet!)

Set in as storage levels dropped. 
Draught becoming crisis. 
Asthmatic mist hung over the land
Wheezing and sucking last moisture from earth. 
Weak winds grasped and gasped. 

No water in reservoirs or rivers. 
No water in ponds or lakes. 
On shelves in bottles became extinct. 
A drop of pure more valued than diamond or gold 
No meaning linked to money, itself. 
Sea levels dropped as tides weakened world wide. 

Humans no equipped for fittest survival. 
After the rain stopped,
Grass and trees,
To elephant and bees,
Withered and dried to die
And so did we. 

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