Wednesday 31 July 2013

"Balmy Ideas" (Entry 383)

Balmy day. 
Mechanical breeze whipped through the dome. 
Light shone to create tropical warmth. 
Always a balmy day inside the dome. 
Constant temperature inside the Hawaiian Dome. 

Or to ski. 
A control suit - airlock - surface shuttle - airlock away. 
In the Alps Dome. 
Oh, to wish. 
But how she wished...
She wished....

Look up from the Moon to Earth. 
To experience the real lands,
And mountains, and cities,
But mainly the oceans. 

For all her home pod,
Hawaiian Dome,
Offered with artificial surf reef and pools. 
There was no expanse of ocean,
To dive, to explore, to surf, 
To sail away. 
To be with the animals. 
Oh, how she wished to see animals for real. 
She sighed as she saw the blue of Earth. 

"One day, I'll get there. I know I will.
The thought of being there with all that diversity. 
The wonders!
To get beyond the Moon. 
To walk the land and swim the seas. 
It's a leap, I know,
But one day,
I will step upon the Earth!"

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