It was most precious thing.
The thing I liked to keep near,
Or at least know where it was at all times.
To see, to hold,
Or even be in the same room,
I felt safe.
I knew I was home.
Then one day, I lost my thing.
Unable to search,
As I knew it was gone forever,
Never to return.
My heart broke, in that moment,
Never to be mended.
There's always a chunk missing, a hole left, my precious lost thing.
My precious lost mother.
My most important possession.
(If a person can belong to another.
I think they can, when hearts are open, when they give so much... mean so much... are so much to each other.)
My mum.
I lost her when she died.
I love her love, her laughter, her strength, her friendship, her scent, her protection, her hugs.
The most precious thing in my world is lost.
Almost 22 years without you.
Today is your birthday.
I will miss you always.
Remember you always.
Love you forever.