Thursday 4 July 2013

"Pilgrims to a New World" (Entry 369)

They knew from the outset, they would never come back,
Although they told family and friends they would,
With stoic smiles and hearty hugs,
But they were told from the beginning,
It was a one way ticket. 

Once in a lifetime,
No. That's saying too small.
No one had ever given given this opportunity before. 
They were the blessed. 
Part of the chosen ones. The elite. 

The new youth
Ready to travel further than
Only a few pioneering souls 
Who had sacrificed themselves to make 
This trip beyond new frontiers possible. 

They stepped onto the ship,
With supplies they hoped would last 
To set up their new colony. 
They viewed the eyes of those gathered to watch them leave,
Knowing they would never see them again. 

Their One Way Ticket taking them to their New World. 
Pilgrims to America. 
Astronauts to Mars!

Missions to Mars continue. 
This is the latest:

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