Friday 5 July 2013

"Which Way? (Entry 370)

The long way round. 
Straight down past two junctions. 
Left at the shop. 
Straight onto the traffic lights. 
Left again, count eleven houses on your left. 
You're there in twenty minutes. 

The short cut. 
Through the dark alley,
(Dodging stinky bins from the pub and Billiard hall. 
Past grunting yelling drunks,
Sleeping and vomiting in their own urine soaked patch,
As wet sewer rats and amber eyed snarling scrawny foxes
Scavenge for treats in those overflowing rubbish skips.)
Out onto the street, 
Count five houses on the right,
And you've made it to your destination in five minutes. 

I think I'll go the long way round!

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